Organic Illusion after the release in march 2016 of the full-leght THE LINEAR CHAOS with the italian label Sg Records are ready to launch the video for INNOCENCE’S OVER.
The song is the opening track of the album and blends the different souls of the band always struggling between melody, groove and monolithic riffs. A style that they ironically call “Curvy Metal”.
The video will be released on October 18th on and will be preceded by some teaser these days.
There are already 2 videoclips from the band: “The end is the same” and “Burn” launched during 2015 to promote the album’s release.
Dopo l’uscita del full-lenght THE LINEAR CHAOS con l’italiana Sg Records anticipata da due video per The end is the same e Burn nel 2015 gli Organic Illusion si apprestano a lanciare il video per INNOCENCE’S OVER, la opening track del disco che meglio descrive le varie anime della band sempre in lotta tra melodia, groove e riff monolitici, uno stile che i nostri hanno definito ironicamente “curvy metal”.
L’uscita è prevista per il 18 ottobre sul loro sito e sarà anticipata da alcuni teaser.